Earning online
Payment for our click: $ 0.001-0.005 / 0.002- $ 0,011
Pay per referral click: $ 0.0005- $ 0.0025 / $ 0,001 $ -0.0055
Available references: 50 + / 100 +
Pay-per-view video, the price is the same as in the clique.
Payments: on Paypal. For Premium users on the withdrawal of Payza.
Minimal to the conclusion: $ 6.99
Limits on the number of direct referrals (Standard / Premium): NL
Payments are built in an interesting way, to minimize the possible hacking attempts site.
Waiting time payments.
All payments on the site immediately, but the first!
When ordering, the first payment on the website, your account will be checked for fraud.
Checking for Standard users is 30 business days.
Checking for Premium users is 3 business days.
When you change your account to pay - will have to re-pass manual check your account.
Also, it is worth remembering that the payments are only available to verified Payza and PayPal accounts.
Prices for Premium membership:
Month: $ 7
6 months: $ 30
Year: $ 50
Website earn money.
With no long time he entered a very steep Admin theme, which I have not seen on any of Books, for all time since 2009, the Admin has allowed advertisers who bought ads for the our view, order cliques with different conditions.
If all sites offer custom advertising that everyone can see only 1 time in 24 hours, Admin Buxp offered advertisers choose how often they would like to see the same people came to theirs site per day. And from that moment on some of the links on the site does not become updated 1 times in 24 hours as usual, and every half hour, every hour some and so on, so you can click and earn money round the clock.
But when you buy the upgrade, you can earn not bad money, even without clicking referrals.
Example for Premium users:
Every day on the site can be viewed throughout the day 100 - 200 references and costs $ 0.002, while earning $ 0.20 $ -0.40
Also fall 5-10 links with payment in $ 0.01, and it's $ 0.05 - $ 0.1
In the bag are his work, we have:
$ 0.25 - $ 0.5 per day.
$ 7.5 - $ 15 a month.
$ 90 - $ 180 per year.
And it is only by working himself, and if they get more and referrals, you can earn a lot more. Therefore, when buying an upgrade, I always recommend buying only annual, as saving a good amount.
Interesting points:
Links to the site are constantly being added during the day, so the links can be caught during the day. It is better to install the toolbar, about it below.
Some of the links are updated throughout the day, some every half hour, every hour some and so on, so you can click and earn around the clock.
The bulk of the links - where that is updated at 8:00 am in Kiev, at this point, you can catch a lot of fatty links with high pay, which appear only 1 time a day and have a limited number of hits for us.
For the site operates refbek 100% -250%.
Site pays only verified AlertPay and PayPal accounts.
The site works quite interesting auction.
Are different with reference timer: 5-30-45 sec, respectively, with different pay-per-view link.
Valid sign-up bonus - $ 0.05.
You can buy upgrades your referrals.
For advertisers constantly various promotions and bonuses.
within the site has its own lottery with prizes roigryshem each week.
There is a section of Traffic Exchange, written about it below.
There twitter.
Has its own news blog.
And a lot of any buns =)
Anti-cheat link.
The site has anti-cheat link, with the inscription «DO NOT VISIT THIS LINK»:
It should not be pressed, otherwise your earnings will be canceled.
By clicking on the link, you will see a warning about resetting means 30 seconds, 30 seconds if not navigate - everything, money zeroed.
For Premium users indulgence =), shooting will be no more than 25% of the amount in the account, or 1 dollar, if the account is less than 4 bucks.
Admin draws attention to the fact that the reference was not created for taking away money from the users are not careful, and is designed to improve the quality of traffic by limiting advertisers from avtoklikernyh systems.
Section Traffic Exchange.
Traffic Exchange - allows you to share free traffic (on the similarity EasyHits4u), only without paying for action. You see other people's sites and per-view - get loans that are spent on advertising your site.
The toolbar allows you to track key indicators of the account, but its main purpose - it notifies about new links to view.
Download the toolbar here, but it does not support all browsers, Chrome is not supported, but you can work through the Firefox and Internet Explorer.