Learn! Earnings from klamm.de

Learn! Earnings from klamm.de

                                                        Earnings from klamm.de

The German postal Clicks sponsors work in the vine (LOSE) (analogue loans) and only a few Euros. German lose-sites 4 times bring in more revenue than other similar sites! Paid links 1000 times. Overall clicks so that the day is unlikely that all'll click! Lose-links do not require confirmation, active scripts and can be read at the same time!
 And German autosurfing - without straining provides millions lose! In the month under normal scenario, lose 100 million obtained without tension. In addition to the sites of many games in which you can also win Lose.
When compared with other domestic axle boxes - this is the normal earnings.
The main advantage of Los loans - that is their free circulation and redemption for real money. Immediate withdrawal of the vine.
At least to the conclusion ranges from 1,000 to 500,000 vine, depending on demand project administrator.
Lohse used successfully on the world famous electronic auction E-Bay. There are online stores where you can buy Lose for goods and services. And most importantly they can easily be changed to WebMoney on the Web.
Enter when registering for all German sites and can be in English.But in order to start working on foreign websites, you need either fixed or online translator. It is built into the browser and translates the selected text as well as the entire page.
To start earning LOSE you will need to open an account online KLAMM.DE - a bank in which you will translate Lose from all the sites to be exchanged for WMZ. 

It can and should be used only for operations Klammlose, because the money from it, we do not display (only in German banks). 
However, it is key that links the figure of earnings Lose in numerous German sponsorship projects, working with Lose. Roughly speaking it as a bank Webmoney, except that all transactions take place without the commission.On this site a wealth of information about almost everything that is done for the Lose and Lose in the World! It is a system with more than 270,000 members, and without it anywhere ...
To register, click on the top right box Anmelden (registration).Registration form will be
Right on the menu, select the item marked in the screenshot, go to the registration page and fill in the first form. 

Open a bank account Klamm.de Geld. News. Promotion!
Click on the Anmelden in the top right corner. Next up is the registration form:

Nickname-your login 

E-mail-your mailbox 
Your password- Passwort
Geworben von-do not change, this is your future id.Also note all 4 ticks on the right.Go to the second page of the registration, fill in the form below: 
 Nackname- surname
 Geschlecht - floor
 Geburtstag - date of birth 
StraBe und Hausnummer-street

 housePLZ/Zip- postcode 
HanduNr. - Phone 

After that comes with an activation link to the email address, activate and get to the page with your data:

Your UserID-id

 Nickname-your login 
Startseite-your links 
Werben-your links 
Nickpage-your links

All registration is completed. (On the mailbox will receive a letter with your userID, username and password.)
Next, go into your account on the first link "Startseite". Enter the password, fill in the captcha.

Next, go into your account on the first link "Startseite".Id introduce you to enter and fill the captcha. And nazhamaem Einloggen.
Now click on the tab to me - My. 

And choose the menu "Profil", then get to the page where the fill points marked red. 
 StraBe und Hausnummer-street
HanduNr. - Phone

Come up with a password for operations Lose-paragraphs (used in exchange for money) and password to statistics ST (optional, to close the window view statistics by other users.)In the Sicherheitsabfrage enter the password you registered to Klamm.de. Push Anderungen ubernehmen (accept the changes)

Einweg-PW - Password for 10 minutes to input-output vine.

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